A beautiful starflower loved by pollinators
Borage is an annual plant whose hairy stems bear large light green leaves that give off a cucumber smell if they are crushed. Borage plants have hairy stems and bear large light green leaves. Borage is called starflower due to the beautiful blue and small star-shaped flowers. Borage attracts bees and pollinators. Its name comes from the Latin borra, which means hair. The plant flowers are small star-shaped blue flowers that are absolutely beautiful, contrasting with the dark purple stamens. Borage is additionally edible since the flowers are used for decorating plates, desserts or in salads.
Scientific Name: Borago officinalis
Plant Life Cycle: perennial
Optimal Germination Temperature: 20-28C
Germination time in days: 7-14 days
Indicative Days to maturity: 30-50 days
Sunlight: Full Sun
Soil requirement: Well drained, aerated, fertile soil
Sowing and cultivation: Start seeds indoors from late April or plant directly outdoors after the last frost. Sow a few seeds over the top of regular compost, water gently, lightly cover. Borage seeds like to germinate in the dark.