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Bloody Butcher Corn

€2,50 EUR

Heirloom 1845. A stunning, decorative and useful corn variety growing 12’ tall with 8-12” reddish maroon ears. Intensely colorful kernels can be ground into flour and cornmeal while still being edible when young and eaten like a sweet corn.

Scientific Name: Zea mays

Plant Life Cycle: annual

Optimal Germination Temperature: 19 °C

Germination time in days: 7-14 days

Indicative Days to maturity: 120 Days

Sunlight: Full Sun

Soil requirement: well drained, fertile

Sowing and cultivation: Direct sow 1.5 cm deep in late spring when soil temperatures are over 19C. Thin plants 20-30 cm apart in 4-5 rows, and 60-90 cm apart for best pollination.

Tips: Corn is a nitrogen lover. Add manure in autumn or rich compost a few weeks before planting. Once planted, add a high-nitrogen organic fertilizer every few weeks until the corn tassels form. Keep the area weed-free, especially when they are seedlings and well watered.