A special Sow Diverse mix for early tomatoes
Sow Diverse's Early Tomato Mix is a carefully curated selection of early cherry tomatoes, hand-picked for our customers. This mix includes Golden Nugget, Green Grape, Gardener's Delight, Precoce de Quimper, Snowberry, Barbaniaka and Maskotka varieties, guaranteeing a variety of flavors and a stunning assortment throughout the season. Enjoy a delicious and visually appealing tomato basket with our customized chosen mix. Picture for illustration only.
Scientific Name: Solanum lycopersicum
Plant Life Cycle: annual
Optimal Germination Temperature: 21-29°C
Germination time in days: 7-14 day
Indicative Days to maturity: 60-90 days
Sunlight: Full sun
Soil requirement: well draining and rich
Sowing and cultivation: Sow in pots from March, at a temperature between 16 and 20°C, under a well-lit shelter, 5 weeks before planting. Transplant the entire root ball in the ground, after the last frosts, at a minimum distance of 50 cm, burying the stem up to the first leaves. Water thoroughly when planting.