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A Japanese leafy green with a peppery flavour great for salads

Mizuna is a leafy vegetable from Japan that grows as a large rosette of feathery leaves with a peppery, cabbage flavour. Leaves can be used raw in salads or cooked in stir-fries and The young flowering stems can be cooked like broccoli.

Scientific Name:  Brassica rapa var. niposinica

Plant Life Cycle: biennial but are usually grown as annuals

Optimal Germination Temperature: 18C

Germination time in days: 5-10 days

Indicative Days to maturity: 21-50 days

Sunlight: Full Sun or partial shade

Soil requirement: Well-drained, rich soil

Sowing and cultivation: Sow directly outdoors after last chance of frost has passed from May to August into well prepared soil in a sunny spot when temperatures reach around 16-18C. Sow seeds thinly into drills 1 cm deep and 38 cm apart.