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Zorza Sweet Pepper Heirloom Irish grown

€2,75 EUR

Zorza sweet pepper is an early variety of sweet peppers said to originate from Ukraine that produces dwarf plants about 40 cm high with an abundance of eye catching pale yellow white fruits weighing up to 130g with a thick and firm skin and a sweet and thick flesh. This conical-shaped sweet pepper can be eaten at any stage of ripeness so we really enjoyed tasting them as they grew. We recommend growing this pepper for the good yields, taste and beautiful pepper colours. We watched with fascination as the Zorza sweet pepper put on a magical show going from a pale green small pepper, to a beautiful white then a delicate orange to mature finally to a mat red. Seeds grown and seed saved in Cork, Ireland.

Scientific Name: Capsicum annuum

Plant Life Cycle: annual

Optimal Germination Temperature: 22C-26C

Germination time in days: 20-30 days

Indicative Days to maturity: 60-90 days

Sunlight: full sun

Soil requirement: well drained, non acidic

Sowing and cultivation: Sow indoors early spring 1"deep, 2" apart at a soil temperature of at least 18C. The plant is sensitive to temperature variations. Transplant outdoors when temperatures have warmed up and the last chance of frost has passed. Plant row apart 24". It is advised to grow this pepper in a greenhouse or sunny sheltered spot since they need high temperature to grow