The black chickpea AKA Cece Nero is an old variety from Italy producing small black chickpea seed, Chickpeas have been cultivated for centuries in Asia and the Mediterranean. The plant is very attractive with ferny silver leaves, very productive and very easy to grow. The pods can be eaten young just like green peas or small French beans. They can also be left to dry, the seeds collected then and cooked in stews or hummus. Please note chickpeas are susceptible to blight therefore be cautious with the watering and the humidity.
Scientific Name: Cicer arietinum
Plant Life Cycle: annual
Optimal Germination Temperature: 15-25 °C
Germination time in days: 7-15 days
Indicative Days to maturity: 90-100 days
Sunlight: Full sun
Soil requirement: well drained
Sowing and cultivation: Sow seeds indoor in Mid March- April. Sow a single seed 40mm deep into a pot filled with compost. Water well and place on a sunny windowsill, at 15-25°C. Seedlings will be ready to plant out passed 21 days. Space plants by 15 cm. Chickpeas can also be sown directly from late April. If planting in rows, allow 45cm between rows.Harvest when the peas looks big enough to eat.