Buhl Sweet Corn is an heirloom variety that originated in the United States. The origin is unknown however it can be traced back publicly to early 1980s. This sweet corn has a high yield and matures early, producing sweet and milky kernels. The plants can grow up to seven feet tall and each plant produces two ears, of up to ten inches in length.
Scientific Name: Zea mays
Plant Life Cycle: annual
Optimal Germination Temperature: 19C
Germination time in days: 4-21 Days
Indicative Days to maturity: 80-120 days
Sunlight: Full Sun
Soil requirement: well drained, fertile
Sowing and cultivation: Direct sow 1.5 cm deep in late spring when soil temperatures are over 19C. Thin plants 20-30 cm apart in 4-5 rows, and 60-90 cm apart for best pollination.