Burmese okra is a heirloom variety from Burma. The okra plant produces curved slender pods that are almost spineless. At maturity, the pods color changes from light green to creamy yellow-green. Burmese okra remain tender, virtually spineless and sweet even though they can measure up to 10" long. They are suitable to eat raw or added to salads. The Burmese okra pods are less mucilagenous than the other varieties of okra.
Scientific Name: Abelmoschus Esculentus
Plant Life Cycle: annual
Optimal Germination Temperature: 24C
Germination time in days: 7-15 days
Indicative Days to maturity: 95 days
Sunlight: full sun
Soil requirement: Fertile and well drained soils are essential along with a good regular supply of water and plenty of sun
Sowing and cultivation: Start indoors 4-5 weeks before last frost. Sow 1/2" deep. Keep soil temperature above 24C. Direct sow outdoors when soil temperature is over 24C . Space plants 12-18" apart.