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Lovage Levisticum officinalis organic

€1,50 EUR

Tall perennial plant used very frequently in southern Europe, Germany and eastern European cuisines. Its taste resemble a very intense celery flavour. Used in soups, salads, stews... Is said to have beneficial properties. Always consult a qualified herbal practitioner before using this plant medicinally or a qualified aromatherapist if using its essential oil, especially if pregnant.

Scientific Name: Levisticum officinalis

Plant Life Cycle: hardy perennial

Optimal Germination Temperature: 18C

Germination time in days: 7-14 days

Indicative Days to maturity: 85-95 Days for leaves, 1 year for stems/roots

Sunlight: sun or partial shade

Soil requirement: rich, deep, moist soil

Sowing and cultivation: Sow in pots indoors from February. Sow directly outdoors from May. Harvest leaves as needed.