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Wishing all our customers a very Happy New Year 2025. May your growing season be fruitful and your harvest abundant.

Yellow Habanero chili

€3,00 EUR

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The infamous Mexican Yellow Habanero

The Yellow Habanero variety is amongst the most spicy, between 100,000 and 300,000 points on the Scoville scale. This pepper is about 4 cm long and about 3cm wide at the base and some ripen orange and others to red. They can be consumed both before and after ripening. The intensity of the taste depends to a large degree on the characteristics of the terrain and the handling. Much of capsaicin, the alkaloid that cause the spiciness level, is concentrated in the veins and seeds. In Yucatán (Mexico) approximately 1500 tons per year of Chile habanero are harvested, and are part of the traditional culinary culture of Yucatán.

Scientific Name: Capsicum Chinense

Plant Life Cycle: annual

Optimal Germination Temperature: 20C-24C

Germination time in days: 20-30 days

Indicative Days to maturity: 60-90 days

Sunlight: full sun

Soil requirement: well drained, non acidic

Sowing and cultivation: Sow indoors early spring 1"deep, 2" apart at a soil temperature of at least 18C. The plant is sensitive to temperature variations. Transplant outdoors when temperatures have warmed up and the last chance of frost has passed. Plant row apart 24". It is advised to grow this pepper in a greenhouse or sunny sheltered spot since they need high temperature to grow