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Zapallito Del Tronco Summer Squash

€3,25 EUR

A green Argentinian "avocado" squash loved by gourmets

The Heirloom Zapallito del Tronco Summer Squash is an Argentinian beloved staple and highly sought-after variety. It produces a young round fruit which is glossy dark green with a very tender skin and a light green meaty flesh. It is also called Avocado Squash since its flesh is very smooth and dry just like an avocado with a deliciously rich and buttery flavor. Chefs are going mad for this squash since it has a unforgettable flavour. Zapallito Del tronco is also known by several names, including Zapallo, Redondo de Tronco, Argentina Squash, Peruvian Squash, Chilean Squash, and Inca Squash. It is most often used grilled, cooked in soups, or pies. A simple delicious way to grill it is to lightly drizzle olive oil and sprinkle sea salt over each side of a thick slice, then grill on medium heat for a couple of minutes. Turn after a couple of minutes, grilling to your preferred softness. Or simply add crushed garlic and herb with a bit of olive oil and sautéed in the frying pan. Available in Organically certified too.

Scientific Name: Cucurbita maxima

Plant Life Cycle: annual

Optimal Germination Temperature: 18-20C

Germination time in days: 10-15 days

Indicative Days to maturity: 90 days

Sunlight: full sun

Soil requirement: rich in organic matter, well drained, fertile

Sowing and cultivation: Sow indoors from late March through April if growing in the greenhouse, or late April through May to transplant outdoors. Sow direct outdoors from late May. Seeds should be planted 2 cm deep in good size pots, 1-2 seeds per pot/cell. Thin to keep the strongest seedling. When large enough to handle, transplant seedlings into bigger pots. Leave 60-80 cm between the plants