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potager garden

How to create a potager garden in Ireland

In Ireland, where winter temperatures remain fairly mild and summers are cool, you have the perfect climate for cultivating a lush, beautiful, and productive potager garden. A potager garden, also known as a kitchen garden, blends ornamental plants with edible crops in an eye-catching, structured layout. Here’s a step-by-step guide to designing and growing your own potager garden.

Randa Howell
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container gardening herbs pots outdoors what to grow in containers sowdiverse.ie

What to grow in Container gardens

Almost anything can be grown in a container. But, before you rush out to pot anything, take a moment to think about what you want your container garden to achieve.

  • Are you looking to grow food such as vegetables or herbs?
  • Are you running out of space in your polytunnel?
  • Does your garden need colour, height and texture?
  • Is your growing season short and you are looking for something that can come inside?
Randa Howell
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Planning and Designing Your Garden

Planning and Designing Your Garden

Now is the time of the year when you start planning what you will be planting and designing your garden layout. Planning a garden involves going through your seed packets from the year before, decide what you want to plant this year, how to efficiently use your space so you can plant the most fruits and vegetables, and correctly time when you are going to start sowing your seeds.
Randa Howell
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Why grow Heirloom seeds? What are heirloom seeds? @ sowdiverse.ie

Heirloom Seeds, why grow them?

Why grow Heirloom or Open-pollinated Seeds?  Are Heirloom seeds organic? When we bought seeds for the first time, we did not know what the difference was between heirloom, open-pollinated, hybrid, and GMO. If you are asking yourselves the same questions we used to, we have tried to summarize the main differences for you. 
Randa Howell
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What is Seed Starting? why and when start your own seeds indoor? sowdiverse.ie

What is Seed Starting? Why and when to start your own seeds indoors?

We all wonder when to start planting seeds indoors in the spring to give them a jump start on the growing season, so we can get fresh grown vegetables, fruits and herbs on our table sooner! This post will give you some information on the benefits and challenges of seed starting.
Randa Howell
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Growing and keeping an indoor herb garden in winter @ sowdiverse.ie

Growing an indoor herb garden

For most gardeners, Winter means severe lack of gardening activities. Frozen mornings are pretty, but naked trees and bare garden beds are enough to bring anyone down! Luckily, you can easily grow an indoor Herb garden with potted herb plants. Nothing like a kitchen indoor herb garden.Here is a selection of best herbs.

Randa Howell
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