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Emilia Javanica Irish Poet

€2,70 EUR

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A bright looking edible Heirloom from the 1800's with a beautiful name

Also called Tassel Flower. Emilia Javanica irish poet is a beautiful variety with deep and rich orange, tassel-like flowers. it is particularly well-suited to naturalistic gardens, and has long stems and small, fluffy flowers in clusters - once described as the windswept hair of an Irish poet, The leaves of the rosette are an attractive blue green and the flowers themselves, have flamboyant shades of fiery red and orange. Irish poet tassel flower does not in fact originate from Ireland. There are claims that the plants originated in the Far East, Asia or tropical Africa. What is known for sure is that the annual tassel flower plant was introduced into England in 1799. The  Emilia Javanica Irish poet is related botanically to the Asteraceae family. We found contradicting information online about the edibility of the Emilia Javanica. While some sources say this plant is edible as the blossoms and foliage can be used in salads or soups, adding a unique flavor, some other sources state it has toxic effects. More commonly, we have found it is used medicinally in India and Asia, where the blossoms are said to have antimicrobial and antidiarrheal medicinal properties. This plant is loved by pollinators.  Always consult a qualified health professional or a qualified herbalist before ingesting or using this plant medicinally.

Scientific Name: Emilia sonchifolia var. javanica 'Irish Poet'

Plant Life Cycle: Annual, half-hardy

Optimal Germination Temperature: 16-18C

Germination time in days: 7-20 days

Indicative Days to maturity: 75-100 days

Sunlight: Full sun 

Soil requirement: well-drained, poor to moderately fertile soil

Sowing and cultivation: Sow directly outdoors after last chance of frost has passed from May to into well prepared soil in a sunny spot when temperatures reach around 16-18C.  Alternatively sow indoors in pots from April. Sow seeds thinly into drills and thin to 6 inches apart. Keep well watered if sown in pots