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sow diverse heirloom tomato seeds ireland
Tomato seeds @ sowdiverse.ie
Be adventurous!

Explore New Flavors

Sow diversity, Cultivate differences!

Centauree bleuet bleu
Centauree bleuet bleu

Grow your own food

Sow the seeds of change!

Cutting yellow carrot in garden image sowdiverse.ie
Cutting yellow carrot in garden image sowdiverse.ie

Keep Heirloom and Unusual varieties alive

Save the seeds for future generations!

Welcome to Sow Diverse

Our store offers Gourmet, Adventurous and Eco-conscious Gardeners a selection of Heirloom seeds, open-pollinated and organic seeds, forgotten and unusual cultivars of edible and useful plants, from heritage vegetables, fruits, rare culinary herbs to medicinal plant varieties from all over the world.

Passionate about food sovereignty and biodiversity, we aim to only sell open-pollinated, true-to-type seeds. using biodynamic, organic principles and polyculture. We aim to play our part in providing the seeds of a sustainable food supply to everyone and keep Heirloom and Unusual varieties alive for our future generations.

We want to bring back taste, texture and colors to your tables and inspire you with new ways to cook and eat what you grow.

We support the Open Source Seed Initiative (OSSI) and are proud to have signed the OSSI Pledge : "You have the freedom to use these OSSI-Pledged seeds in any way you choose. In return, you pledge not to restrict others’ use of these seeds or their derivatives by patents or other means, and to include this Pledge with any transfer of these seeds or their derivatives."

container gardening herbs pots outdoors what to grow in containers sowdiverse.ie

What to grow in Container gardens

Almost anything can be grown in a container. But, before you rush out to pot anything, take a moment to think about what you want your container garden to achieve.

  • Are you looking to grow food such as vegetables or herbs?
  • Are you running out of space in your polytunnel?
  • Does your garden need colour, height and texture?
  • Is your growing season short and you are looking for something that can come inside?
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Cucumber fruits hanging in greenhouse and tomato growing on stems

Planning and Designing Your Garden

Now is the time of the year when you start planning what you will be planting and designing your garden layout. Planning a garden involves going through your seed packets from the year before, decide what you want to plant this year, how to efficiently use your space so you can plant the most fruits and vegetables, and correctly time when you are going to start sowing your seeds.
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Why grow Heirloom seeds? What are heirloom seeds? @ sowdiverse.ie

Heirloom Seeds, why grow them?

Why grow Heirloom or Open-pollinated Seeds?  Are Heirloom seeds organic? When we bought seeds for the first time, we did not know what the difference was between heirloom, open-pollinated, hybrid, and GMO. If you are asking yourselves the same questions we used to, we have tried to summarize the main differences for you. 
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